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  • Rieni Jola

7 Ways to have a Hot Mama Summer…Even During Covid

Updated: Dec 20, 2021

No time to waste on an intro, there's fun to be had, so lets get right to the good stuff!

1. Every day is ‘Selfcare Sunday’

Sis, drink your water, create or strengthen that skin care regimen, do the same for your hair. Meditate, light your favourite scented candle, take an extra-long hot shower, or switch it up and take a relaxing bath with some scented oil. Wake up early and go to bed early. Take a moment, just breathe, be present. Journal! This one is huge! Look in the mirror smile and tell yourself that you are more than enough.

2. Learn Something New

What’s that thing you’ve always wanted to try? Roller-skating? Learning how to play an instrument? Trying out some new recipes? Now is the time. We are all living through a global pandemic where everyday freedoms we use to take for granted are now a privilege. Life is too short to not do what you want to do…So do yourself a favour and do it now….like right now :)

3. Grab Your Girls

We’ve now been in quarantine for over a year. Covid is not going anywhere anytime soon, so we might as well make the best of a bad situation. Grab your best gal pals and find something fun to do where you can safely social distance. Talk to your friend group, are they in your bubble? Figure out if everyone feels safe to social distance with or without masks, take some IG friendly photos so you can look back on the good times…because yes, you will have good times this summer!

4. Get Outside and Get active!

We could probably tie this one in with #2 and #3. Whether it’s going for a hike, hitting up your nearest rock-climbing Gym, or just going for a walk at a local park, getting outside and often is going to be a great way to squeeze in some extra physical activity as well as some quality time with your friend group. We are not spending summer2021 scared and anxious about Covid, we know how to stay protected and what to expect from our local public places. Make sure to check your city’s Covid updates to stay on top of what’s closed and what’s open as well as any specific safety measurements that might be in place, so that you can make plans ahead of time.

5. Plan Ahead

Find an app or website that has a calendar of family friendly events for the summer in your town. Make note of the events that would suit you and your family. This is a game changer, not only will the kids will be anxious to get into some fun activities but you will be the hero who already knows about what’s coming up…You’re welcome!

6. Secure a Babysitter

This one is a tough one. Not only was it a chore pre COVID to find a trusted babysitter that was available when you needed it, but add in a dash of global pandemic and suddenly it feels like the impossible. We suggest starting with friends and family that are already in your social bubble. Aside from those you’ve already deemed to be safe, we recommend checking out your local Mom group and asking other moms in your community about trusted babysitters they use. Be sure to ask detailed questions so that you have a clear picture about who will be around your kids. Once the hard work is done, you can hopefully count on someone throughout the summer to squeeze in some serene solitude or date nights with your partner or bestie.

7. All Dolled Up

What is your favourite way to feel beautiful? Whether it’s a full-on session of hair and makeup or if speaking beautiful love affirmations in the mirror does the trick, make sure to pamper yourself at least once a week. I don’t care if the only person who sees you that day is the amazon delivery guy…DO it! This one is solely about making sure you feel beautiful Release that inner glow!

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